Monday, October 26, 2020

Replacement Of Card Loss (NRD) in Malaysia

For NRD loss in Malaysia, you may fill report in Police Station and apply MyKad online.


1. Pemohon mestilah hadir dimana-mana kaunter JPN; atau

2. Memohon gantian kad pengenalan hilang secara atas talian di laman web ( melalui aplikasi “Sistem Gantian MyKad” bagi permohonan yang tidak melibatkan pertukaran gambar atau maklumat pemohon yang bertaraf Warganegara.

Friday, January 24, 2020

2020 Market Prediction - Last Stage of Bull Market

Jan 2020 - We forecast the global bull market will continue in first half of year 2020. In second half of 2020, we should see the global market trend to bear market.

Market Bull Trend  - Why?
- Government cut the interest rate
- Hot money flow into stock market